Provincial Defense Council in Camagüey evaluates reinforcing social isolation in the Buenos Aires Popular Council - Bella Vista

Camagüey, Apr 21.- The Provincial Defense Council (CDP) last night evaluated the actions to be followed to increase social isolation in the Buenos Aires-Bellavista popular council, in this city, with the application of stricter measures and reinforced epidemiological care for prevent the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Dr. Reinaldo Pons Vázquez, head of the Health subgroup, explained the epidemiological situation in the province, which has 34 positive cases for Covid-19.

In addition, he presented a proposal for quarantine to 16 blocks from the area corresponding to the Joaquín de Agüero polyclinic, in the northern part of the capital of Agramón.

The doctor highlighted the importance of early detection of contacts and their isolation, as well as disinfection and hygiene measures in the homes by the rapid response team in the Health area.

Likewise, the isolation of asymptomatic people related to high-risk stratified apples that do not meet the epidemiological criteria of case-contact or suspect Covid-19 was adopted.

It was also decided to perform the rapid test on all apples with confirmed cases. To date, around 500 have been made, with a negative result.

Dr. Pons Vázquez highlighted the application of the homeopathic medicine PrevengHo-Vir throughout the Buenos Aires-Bellavista popular council, as well as disinfecting surfaces with chlorinated water in homes and sidewalks in that area.

For his part, the president of the CDP, Ariel Santana Santisteban, specified that in the next few hours a medical post will be guaranteed to differentially evaluate cases of Acute Respiratory Infection in the stratified area. (Text and photos: Gladys D. Morera Cordero / taken from