Update of the behavior of COVID 19 in Cuba. Part closing April 20, 2020

At the close of yesterday, April 20, 2,279 patients are admitted to hospitals for clinical epidemiological surveillance. Another 7 thousand 337 people are watched in their homes, from the Primary Health Care.

One thousand 818 cases were studied for COVID-19, resulting in 50 positive samples. The country accumulates 30,416 samples made and 1,137 positive (3.7%). Therefore, at the close of yesterday, 50 new cases are confirmed, for a cumulative of 1,137 in the country.

The 50 new confirmed cases were Cuban. Of these, 41 were contacts of confirmed cases and 9 did not specify the source of infection.

Of the 50 diagnosed cases, 27 (54.0%) were men and 23 (46.0%) were women. 62.0% (31) of the positive cases were asymptomatic.

Of the total number of diagnosed cases, the most affected age groups were: 40 to 60 years with 18 cases (36.0%), followed by 20 to 40 with 14 (28.0%).

The residence by provinces and municipalities of the 50 confirmed cases is:

Havana: 20 (the municipalities Guanabacoa and Arroyo Naranjo with 4 each; 3 del Cerro; Boyeros, Centro Habana and Habana Vieja with 2 each; and San Miguel del Padrón, Habana de Este and Diez de Octubre with 1 each)
Mayabeque: 4 (3 from the municipality of San Jasé de las Lajas and one from Batabanó)
Matanzas: 3 (2 from the Cárdenas municipality and one from Limonar)
Villa Clara: 6 (5 from the Santa Clara municipality and one from Camajuaní)
Ciego de Ávila: 5 (3 from the Morón municipality; Bolivia and Chambas with one each)
Las Tunas: 2 (from Puerto Padre municipality)
Isla de la Juventud Special Municipality: 10
Details of the 50 confirmed cases:


67-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Guanabacoa, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 19 contacts are kept under surveillance.
7-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Guanabacoa, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 19 contacts are kept under surveillance.
43-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Guanabacoa, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 19 contacts are kept under surveillance.
12-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of San Miguel del Padrón, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 17 contacts are kept under surveillance.
22-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Boyeros, province of Havana. The source of infection is investigated. 17 contacts are kept under surveillance.
43-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Guanabacoa, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 19 contacts are kept under surveillance.
27-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Cerro, province of Havana. Previously confirmed case contact. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
19-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Cerro, province of Havana. Previously confirmed case contact. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
27-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Centro Habana, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
50-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Boyeros, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
40-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 3 contacts are kept under surveillance.
9-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
49-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Habana del Este, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
59-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Habana Vieja, Havana province. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
38-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana province. Previously confirmed case contact. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
92-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Cerro, province of Havana. Previously confirmed case contact. 16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
65-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Habana Vieja, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
47-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Centro Habana, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
17-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
92-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Cerro, province of Havana. Previously confirmed case contact. 16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
65-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Habana Vieja, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
47-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Centro Habana, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
17-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Arroyo Naranjo, Havana province. The source of infection is investigated. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
54-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Diez de Octubre, province of Havana. Previously confirmed case contact. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.


14-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque province. Previously confirmed case contact. Twenty contacts are kept under surveillance.
73-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque province. Previously confirmed case contact. Twenty contacts are kept under surveillance.
56-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Batabanó, Mayabeque province. Previously confirmed case contact. 19 contacts are kept under surveillance.
59-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque province. The source of infection is investigated. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.


59-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Limonar, Matanzas province. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
59-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Cárdenas, Matanzas province. Previously confirmed case contact. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
59-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Cárdenas, Matanzas province. Previously confirmed case contact. 17 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Villa Clara

7-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Previously confirmed case contact. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
37-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Camajuaní, Villa Clara province. Previously confirmed case contact. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.
59-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Previously confirmed case contact. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
52-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 18 contacts are kept under surveillance.
46-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 18 contacts are kept under surveillance.
40-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Previously confirmed case contact. 17 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Ciego de Avila

86-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Morón, Ciego de Ávila province. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
41-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Morón, Ciego de Ávila province. Live in one of the transmission areas. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
39-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Bolivia, Ciego de Ávila province. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 16 contacts are kept under surveillance.
30-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Morón, Ciego de Ávila province. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 15 contacts are kept under surveillance.
8-month-old Cuban citizen, resident in the municipality of Chambas, Ciego de Ávila province. Previously confirmed case contact. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Las Tunas

30-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the Puerto Padre municipality, Las Tunas province. Previously confirmed case contact. 35 contacts are kept under surveillance.
28-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the Puerto Padre municipality, Las Tunas province. Previously confirmed case contact. 58 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Isle of Youth

68-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.

24-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
34-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.
61-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
52-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
8-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.
31-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
17-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Contact of previously confirmed cases. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
50-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
50-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.
53-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. Previously confirmed case contact. 14 contacts are kept under surveillance.

  • Of the thousand 137 patients diagnosed with the disease, 770 present stable clinical evolution, 38 deaths are reported (two yesterday), two evacuated and 309 discharges (24 more yesterday). Eight critically ill patients and 10 critically ill patients are reported.

    Critically ill patients reported:

    41-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Havana. He has a history of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Obesity, Cushing's Syndrome. She is admitted to the Luis Díaz Soto Hospital. Clinical radiological worsening, afebrile, with arterial ischemic injury of the left lower limb unchanged, on mechanical ventilation, chest X-ray that maintains radiological worsening. It is still reported in critical condition.

    66-year-old Cuban citizen, resides in Havana. History of Bronchial Asthma, Arterial Hypertension and Obesity. He was transferred to intensive care due to accelerated deterioration and marked hypoxia, he was intubated and mechanically ventilated, hemodynamically stable, and he advanced in weaning of the ventilator. Remains afebrile, chest X-ray with radiological improvement. It is reported in critical condition.

    67-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Centro Habana, Havana. She is admitted to the Salvador Allende Hospital. Coffee is kept, abundant bronchial secretions, with mechanical ventilation. Hemodynamically unstable, improvement of the diuretic rhythm. Rx thorax bilateral diffuse inflammatory infiltrate, predominantly bibasal. It is still reported in critical condition.

    62-year-old Cuban citizen. He has a history of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and psoriasis. He remains afebrile, with mechanical ventilation, chest X-ray with bilateral interstitial inflammatory lesions, hemodynamically stable. Still reported in critical condition.

    84-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the Plaza de la Revolución municipality. It is stable without new complications, afebrile, ventilated, Rx thorax inflammatory lesions in both lung fields. It is still reported in critical condition.
    60-year-old Cuban citizen residing in Marianao, Havana. He has a history of Diabetes Mellitus and Morbid Obesity. He is admitted to the Salvador Allende Hospital with dyspnea, which increases during the early morning, it is necessary to intubate and ventilate, being transferred to Intensive Care. He is mechanically ventilated, afebrile, and hemodynamically unstable. It is reported in critical condition.

    86-year-old Cuban citizen from the Villa Clara Nursing Home. History of High Blood Pressure, Heart Failure and Diverticular Disease of the Colon. Admitted to the Manuel Fajardo Hospital, in Intensive Therapy for taking general condition, dyspnea and moderate dehydration, in the last hours there is a worsening of his condition, increases the ventilatory demand but has not required mechanical ventilation yet, hemodynamically unstable. Interstitial infiltrated chest X-ray covering the entire left hemithorax and the apex of the right lung. Still reported in critical condition.

    Patients reported in serious condition:

    Cuban citizen, 86 years old. History of bronchial asthma and senile dementia. He was transferred from the Geriatric ward to Intensive Care due to respiratory distress. On day 12 of his evolution and 3rd day in Intensive Care, hemodynamically unstable. Diuretic rhythm drop. Chest x-ray with bilateral interstitial inflammatory lesions. It is still reported in critical condition.

    Cuban citizen, 84 years old, from the Cárdenas municipality, Matanzas. He has a history of Vascular Dementia and Respiratory Sepsis. It begins with a picture of progressive respiratory failure and is transferred to the Mario Muñoz Hospital. It is found with light polypnea, Rx thorax with inflammatory lesions in both lung bases. Still reported in serious condition.

    66-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the Matanzas municipality. Personal Pathological Background. Hypothyroidism, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Failure (CRI). She was transferred to therapy for presenting an increase in creatinine and anuria, determining that the patient was in renal failure due to an exacerbation of her CKD picture to subject her to a dialytic regimen, as she was asymptomatic. It is reported in serious condition.

    Cuban citizen of 53 years. With a history of Diabetes Mellitus. It evolves 26 days in therapy with clinical and blood gas improvement, afebrile, few tracheobronchial secretions, chest X-ray with hemodynamically stable radiological improvement. It is reported in serious condition.

    88-year-old Cuban citizen from the Villa Clara Nursing Home. History of high blood pressure and ischemic heart disease. He enters therapy for dyspnea and cough, afebrile, spontaneously ventilating. Hemodynamically stable. Inflammatory infiltrated chest x-ray in both lung fields. It is reported in serious condition.

    Cuban citizen, 81 years old, resides in the special municipality of Isla de la Juventud. History of Ischemic Heart Disease without treatment. It is found with frequent wet cough, hemodynamically stable and Rx. chest with radiological improvement. It is reported in serious condition.
    49-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in the Santiago de Cuba municipality. With a history of high blood pressure. Found with spontaneous ventilation, chest X-ray, slight radiological improvement, disseminated inflammatory lesions. Hemodynamically stable Reported in serious condition.

    Cuban citizen, 80 years old, resident in the Plaza de la Revolución municipality. Personal pathological history. High blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and ischemic heart disease. He is afebrile, spontaneously ventilating with supplemental oxygen, Hemodynamically stable chest Rx. Signs of pulmonary emphysema, fibrosis, and few predominant Bibasal inflammatory signs Left. It is reported in serious condition.

    55-year-old Cuban citizen, Colón municipality, Matanzas province. Personal Pathological Background. Bronchial asthma. She was admitted to the ICU ward in Colón due to cough, expectoration, and marked dyspnea. She underwent a PCR and, as a result, she was transferred to therapy at the Mario Muñoz Hospital. He is afebrile, without dyspnea, spontaneously ventilates with oxygen supplementation, Hemodynamically stable. Good urine output. Normal blood gas. It is reported in serious condition.

    Unfortunately two deaths occurred:


    Cuban citizen, 85 years old, from Placetas, Villa Clara. He had a history of Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Kidney Failure and Arterial Hypertension. He presented edema in the lower limbs. Urine culture with Candida, Rx thorax with infiltrate for bilateral hilar. He developed acute ventricular failure due to volume overload with clinical worsening without response to the measures taken. We deeply regret what happened and we convey to your family and friends our deepest condolences.

    65-year-old Cuban citizen. He lived in Old Havana, Havana province. He had a history of hypertension, glaucoma, and chronic squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. He was received on April 16 brought by the SIUM with a diagnosis of suspicion of COVID 19, not very cooperative, he referred two days ago with a productive wet cough. Upon physical examination at admission, she presented normal-colored mucosa, a decreased vesicular murmur towards the bases with rales in both lung fields, and severe energy protein malnutrition. It was diagnosed as hypostatic out-of-hospital bacterial bronchopneumonia and esophageal cancer with gastrectomy. He evolved torpidly in the following hours with a final stage of his underlying disease (esophageal cancer), hemodynamically unstable, for which he received treatment and resuscitation. He died on April 18, having been studied to rule out COVID 19 disease due to pathological anatomy (autopsy). On April 20, the result of the autopsy studies was received, being positive to COVID 19. We deeply regret what happened and we convey to our family and friends our deepest condolences.
    As of April 20, 182 countries with COVID-19 cases are reported with 2 million 355 thousand 853 confirmed cases (+ 74 thousand 139) and 164 thousand 659 deaths (+ 5 thousand 148) for a fatality of 6.9%.

    In the Americas region, 899 thousand 051 confirmed cases are reported (+ 31 thousand 995), 38.16% of the total cases reported in the world, with 47 thousand 369 deaths (+ 2151) for a case fatality of 5.26% (+0.05). (Taken from the site https://salud.msp.gob.cu)