Quarantine proposed for part of the Buenos Aires Popular Council - Bella Vista, in the city of Camagüey

Camagüey, Apr 22.- Considering the existence of an active event of limited local indigenous transmission of Covid-19 in an area of the Buenos Aires-Bellavista People's Council of this municipality, the Provincial Defense Council (CDP) proposed the quarantine entry of a portion of that demarcation.

If this measure is approved by the country's leadership, it would come into force at 6:00 pm on April 22, from which time the access roads will be closed, with limitations on the entry and exit of people and means of transportation, except those strictly authorized to maintain vitality there.

It is the defense zone 08-30-23, which comprises 16 blocks in the 146, 74, 69 and 119 districts in the aforementioned popular council, and the least possible mobility of people will be indicated, for which delivery will be guaranteed of food and other basic necessities, according to the evaluation of the proposal made by the CDP.

The region covers 3.7 km², with more than 1,400 inhabitants in around 500 homes, and a total of eight positive cases have been confirmed for the new coronavirus. Quarantine is proposed to eliminate the spread of the disease.

The actions to be implemented include primary and emergency medical care, the strengthening of active research, the application of rapid diagnostic kits for Covid-19, and other tests, the supply of the drug PrevengHo-Vir and priority attention to suspects or patients with symptoms.

In addition, it was oriented to ensure the needs of water supply, sale and food supplies, communication services, electricity, environmental hygiene and the ordering and disinfection of the communal area.

Other decisions adopted are related to the differentiated treatment that workers who live in the quarantine area and work outside it will receive, the assurance of animal feed, the prohibition of public activities, the guarantee of chlorine and nasobucos, the distribution of gas liquefied the nuclei that use that fuel, the release of taxes on non-state workers in the area and others that will be reported promptly by the defense zone.

In the area proposed for quarantine, severe criminal legal treatment will be applied to those who commit the crime of spreading the epidemic or fail to comply with the targeted measures, and the population is encouraged to contribute to the success of the investigation and the isolation actions, to attend medical institutions with any symptoms, and to be kept informed by the media in the territory.

Ariel Santana Santiesteban, president of the CDP, assured that this is a timely and necessary decision, and the permanent follow-up of each one of the groups and subgroups of that structure corresponds, so that the precisions made are implemented, and urged that permanent monitoring of all actions.

To date, the quarantine measure is only in force in Camagüey at the Argentine People's Council of the municipality of Florida; In the area that is proposed now, only the condition of reinforced surveillance had been established, which is also in force today in two other areas of the capital of Granada. (Information taken from www.cadenagramonte.cu) (map: taken from www.adelante.cu)